What We Can Do

We can build a new school website for you.

We do our own take on what can be improved and combine that with what you specifically want fixed. We agree on what to fix and depending on your preference and situation, we’ll either rebuild your website on your existing platform or on the tool that makes more sense.

We pick the tool based on the level of complexity you need, your budget, and your capacity to make future updates. Squarespace, Wix, and Weblow are our favorite website builders but we have used several others.

People like to overbuild websites. We don’t do that. We’ve built and deployed fully custom applications and have a deep knowledge of application architecture; however, modern no-code tools make it ultra-simple to maintain a fast, functioning, awesome website for your school at the right scale.

Don’t have a website yet at all? We will just build from scratch.

How It Works

  • Fill out your basic info provide the link to your website. We’ll immediately review i and send you a link to schedule an intro call. Expect to hear from us within 24 hours.

  • You’ll use the link we send you to schedule a call. We’ll come to the meeting with recommendations, hear more about your goals, and agree on next steps.

    Prefer to operate async? No problem. We’ll skip the call and send you a questionnaire instead to complete at your own pace.

  • Digitally sign our statement of work, Digitally pay your invoice.

    Our team gets to work!

  • This is all us. You’re back doing what you need to do while we rebuild your site. In average complexity cases, this will take us less than 7 days.

  • Check out your new site at a private staging URL.

    In the unlikely event that something doesn’t meet your expectations, send us a list of tweaks needed and we’ll make the adjustments.

  • We hand over the new website along with detailed documentation on how to operate it. We’ll outline exactly how to point your new site to your existing website domain or do it for you.

    We guarantee to give you a better website than before. If it doesn’t meet. your expectations we’ll refund your payment.

We can automate your enrollment pipeline.

Student applications, interviews, payments, forms, and records can all be simplified. We have used all sorts of tools to streamline this process from no-code free options to fully customized full-stack apps we’ve deployed ourselves.

The point is to make it easier for you to save time, not harder. We can help and promise to leave you with a clearly documented, simple system.

How It Works

  • Submit a link to your website and outline how your enrollment process works from lead to in-class.

  • You use the link we send you to schedule a call with us. During this time we learn more about your goals and center in on what is most important to automate.

  • You sign a simple statement of work and make an online payment for the feature list we agreed upon.

  • Item description
  • We’ll meed to demo you on the process we built. You can use this time to test it out on your own and provide feedback.

  • Once we walk through how your new process works and you feel great about it, we’ll hand over the new workflow along with detailed documentation on how to operate it.

    We guarantee to give you a better process than before. If it doesn’t meet. your expectations we’ll refund your payment and revert your system back to the original methodology.

You know your school is a great place. Let’s make it so prospective families see that from the beginning.